Bridging the gap from acquisition to integration with a roadmap


Global Pharmaceutical Company


  • Health & Life Sciences


  • Salesforce Sales Cloud


  • Platform Architecture & Advisory
  • Data Integration
  • Strategy

About the Client

After acquiring a mid-size medical device company, a global pharmaceutical company needed to integrate the device sales team into its own sales organization and harmonize the two companies’ enterprise-level Salesforce instances.



  • Migrating two Salesforce organizations together
  • Disparate systems and processes
  • Poor visibility and collaboration 

A global pharmaceutical company purchased a medical device company and needed to fully integrate the business into the parent company. This required migrating two separate enterprise-level Salesforce organizations into a single, consolidated instance.

Aside from the big picture goal of combining the two Salesforce instances, the client stakeholders were not fully aligned on where they needed to go and needed guidance around this.

While harmonizing the two existing Salesforce organizations, the client also wanted to take the opportunity to optimize sales processes and improve reporting. For example, operating separately, the different sales teams overlapped on their targeted customers and did not have visibility into other teams’ interactions with them.

Strategy & Solution

  • In-depth discovery sessions with stakeholders
  • Aligning stakeholders across the organization
  • Defining the problems faced
  • Documenting platform current state
  • Painting the picture of the desired future state

Ciberspring was brought in to perform discovery on this project and develop a roadmap for the client, detailing the steps towards harmonizing the two enterprise-level Salesforce organizations.

We began by collaborating with client stakeholders to document business requirements and desired future state. This included aligning stakeholders across 18 teams in the organization over the course of 30 discovery sessions. Stakeholders included different sales teams, leadership, and operational support teams.

Once we achieved alignment among relevant stakeholders across the enterprise, we assessed their current state from a technical perspective. We examined and documented current configurations, customizations, data models and data clean-up assessment, reporting, integrations, and existing business processes and workflows.

The result of this research was a roadmap for the client. Based on agile methodology, the roadmap set expectations for the client and provided actionable steps to help the businesses streamline processes, improve the customer experience, and drive revenue.

Along with outlining potential opportunities, the roadmap defined risks. The roadmap showed stakeholders what challenges both companies faced, so they could proactively work together to explore ways to mitigate these risks.


  • Clear roadmap for the client to follow
  • Organization-wide alignment achieved

We provided the client with a complete vision of their future state with the two Salesforce organizations harmonized. Built around a problem statement honed from the many discovery sessions, the roadmap included a detailed business requirements document, technical requirements document, an agile project plan, and a full picture of where the company would be when the project was implemented.

The discovery process aligned the organization’s stakeholders and helped the project sponsors build a wide coalition across the company to ensure the project’s success.

The client was impressed enough with the roadmap, that they contracted Ciberspring to implement the work recommended.

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