Developing a best practice-driven digital transformation for health tech firm


Healthcare Software Provider


  • Health & Life Sciences
  • SaaS


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud


  • Connected Experiences
  • Customer Journey Building
  • Marketing Automation
  • Platform Architecture & Advisory

About the Client

The client is a software company that provides a platform to connect physicians, patients, and physical therapy clinics. They needed help aligning sales and marketing teams and converting prospects into leads.



  • Didn’t have an ideal way to manage inbound leads
  • Disjointed sales follow-up on new leads
  • Manual prospecting processes
  • Needed full organizational buy-in and executive support

One of the more steadfast indicators that an organization has a mature marketing and sales infrastructure is when there is a clear alignment between the two disciplines. Typically, this means each team works hand-in-hand, with minimal silos or segmentation.

A New York health tech company found its small marketing and sales teams bogged down in manual prospecting processes. The two teams operated separately and the resulting prospect to lead to customer experience was disjointed.

Ready to level up their sales and marketing, the company approached Ciberspring to integrate Salesforce Sales and Marketing Clouds so they could have a robust system for lead generation, including the hand-off from marketing to sales and process automation wherever possible.  

Strategy & Solution

  • Complete digital transformation
  • Intricate customer journey development
  • Tech stack implementation
  • Custom Calendly integration

Digital transformations often start by ensuring the organization is prepared for a shift in processes. To do this, we worked with key stakeholders to ensure that their return on investment (ROI) would be fully realized with this new approach and supported through coaching along the way.

This was made possible by successfully implementing and integrating their instances of Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud, and then developing a series of intricate customer journeys. What was previously a disjointed series of manual processes was fully automated to deliver a seamless experience for customers as they are guided down the client’s marketing and sales funnels.

Now, when a new lead enters their information on their site, backend automation handles everything until the lead is ready to convert and meet with a sales rep. If the lead doesn’t fully convert, automation will trigger a nurture campaign. If they do convert and become a prospective opportunity, a custom Calendly integration triggers additional automation to let the right salesperson know when they have a new meeting set. This was particularly complex as the system uses a revolving roster of sales reps, and the automation was developed to balance the distribution of booked meetings.

Various internal alerts and reports also assisted with streamlining the customer journey and keeps the organization informed. This includes automatic opportunity conversions through to delivery and management of the contract signing process based on the prospect’s actions. In the end, this resulted in a new best practice approach the organization is leveraging in other areas and with its partners.


  • Increase in pipeline
  • Increase in ROI

An empowered team, automations providing time saves to sales and marketing, and a new best practice is paving the way for an increase in both pipeline and a greater return on investment.

This was a particularly significant win for the marketing team. Consisting of only two people, the marketers are now able to be more efficient and laser-focused on moving leads through the funnel. Thanks to the intricate customer journey and automation, both the sales and marketing teams have become better aligned, leading towards a more mature organization.

Let’s Talk

Ready for a complete digital marketing transformation?