Transforming underperforming website into lead-generating machine


Leading financial firm


  • Insurance & Financial Services


  • Adobe Experience Manager


  • Web Development
  • Connected Experiences
  • Marketing Optimization

About the Client

A Fortune 500 financial company that offers a diverse array of financial services and insurance solutions to business and consumer clients.


The client, a Fortune 500 financial company, had recently redesigned its main corporate website and was experiencing nearly 60% bounce rates with the new homepage. Visitors were converting at a paltry 3.66% click-through rate. While the new website had a beautiful aesthetic, it was underperforming the old website.

Strategy & Solution

Ciberspring audited the website and brainstormed with the client’s marketing and technical teams on possible sources of poor performance. We theorized that the website’s clean, linear design may not register as being clearly clickable with the company’s customer demographics.

Leveraging Adobe Target, we undertook a campaign of A/B testing around more traditional calls-to-action (CTAs) on the site and buttons that more distinctly stood out against the white-heavy page design.


The design changes resulted in an immediate 26.67% increase in click-through rate and an increase in $260,000 in written premium in the first month of launch. Bounces rates dropped to 38% right away and continued to drop over time.

We then empowered the client with training to continue their homepage optimization testing around colors and personalized banner art to driver better customer experiences.

Let’s Talk

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